I was lucky enough to act as Toastmaster and Master of Ceremonies at Goldsmiths Hall for the Installation Dinner of the Prime Warden of the Worshipful Company of Shipwrights.
Image 1: In the uniform of the City Toastmaster
Image 2: Stunning architecture within Goldsmiths – one of the finest of the City’s 38 Livery Halls. It is my privilege to have worked as Toastmaster in 26 of them!
Image 3: Luxurious and elegant Drawing Room for reception
Image 4: Banqueting staff preparing the Livery Hall for 240 guests
Image 5: Original 1835 English crystal chandeliers with 48 real candles in each. That’s 192 to be lit before dinner. The mirrors reflect the ambient light and this is how the Hall was illuminated long before invention of electricity
Image 6: On display in the Exhibition Room, a sample of finest craftsmanship .. these being the chains and jewels of some past City Sheriffs
Image 7: A truly magnificent example of a Shrieval chain of office
Are You Organising an Livery CompanyEvent?
Looking to Hire a Master of Ceremonies?
If you are organising or planning a Livery event, charity dinner or special anniversary event and are looking to hire a professional wedding Toastmaster, Master of Ceremonies or MC, contact Richard Birtchnell today on 020 7730 3725 or email him.
The London Toastmaster
Richard Birtchnell
45 Chelsea Gate
93 Ebury Bridge Road
Tel: 020 7730 3725
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Richard-Birtchnell-The-London-Toastmaster/440663422633047
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ldntoastmaster
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/ToastmastersLondon
Google+: https://plus.google.com/110772715449422218146/about