I was privileged to act as a wedding Toastmaster and Master of Ceremonies at London’s iconic Natural History Museum for an Indian wedding celebration.

It’s daylight and 6.30pm and half an hour after the museum closed to the public, the caterers are nearly ready. It will be dark within the next hour and the party will be underway.

Speeches from the Darwin staircase

Under the 4-ton skeleton of a 25-metre long blue whale.

The whale looks ready to eat the 300 guests
Are You Organising an Asian Wedding?
Are You Looking to Hire a Wedding Master of Ceremonies, MC or Toastmaster?
If you are organising or planning an Asian wedding or social event, and are looking to hire a Master of Ceremonies, MC or Toastmaster, contact Richard Birtchnell today on 020 7730 3725 or email him.