London Toastmaster at The Air Charter Association 05
I was Toastmaster at the Guildhall for the 2017 annual lunch and excellence awards of BACA – The Air Charter Association
Are You Organising a Corporate Event?
If you are arranging a corporate dinner or event and are looking to hire a Toastmaster, Master of Ceremonies or MC (click here to learn more), contact Richard Birtchnell today on 020 7730 3725 or email him.
The London Toastmaster
Richard Birtchnell
45 Chelsea Gate
93 Ebury Bridge Road
Tel: 020 7730 3725
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Richard-Birtchnell-The-London-Toastmaster/440663422633047
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ldntoastmaster
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/ToastmastersLondon
Google+: https://plus.google.com/110772715449422218146/about